January 2014 – Haregrove Farm 250kW wind turbine consented
One Wind Renewables have successfully gained planning permission for a 250kW wind turbine in south Wales. The project was granted permmision by Bridgend District Council, making it the 10th successfully consented wind turbine project managed by One Wind Renewables. The wind turbine will provide a dairy farm with its own electricity helping them to tackle the rising electricity costs within their business.
One Wind Renewables have successfully gained planning permission for a 250kW wind turbine in south Wales. The project was granted permmision by Bridgend District Council, making it the 10th successfully consented wind turbine project managed by One Wind Renewables. The wind turbine will provide a dairy farm with its own electricity helping them to tackle the rising electricity costs within their business.
November 2013 – Gearns Farm wind turbine commissioned
One Wind Renewables first EWT DW54 wind turbine is successfully installed and commissioned at Gearns Farm near Holsworthy Beacon in Devon. The majority of the contracts including the civils works and electrical design and installation were awarded to local contractors providing a boost to the local economy. The wind turbine will provide a valuable additional income to the farming operations at Gearns Farm.
One Wind Renewables first EWT DW54 wind turbine is successfully installed and commissioned at Gearns Farm near Holsworthy Beacon in Devon. The majority of the contracts including the civils works and electrical design and installation were awarded to local contractors providing a boost to the local economy. The wind turbine will provide a valuable additional income to the farming operations at Gearns Farm.
November 2013 – Weston Town Farm wind turbine consented
Mendip District Council have granted planning permission for a 60.5m high wind turbine at Weston Town Farm, near Shepton Mallet, Somerset.
Mendip District Council have granted planning permission for a 60.5m high wind turbine at Weston Town Farm, near Shepton Mallet, Somerset.
July 2013 – Heywoods Farm consented
One Wind Renewables have successfully gained planning permission for a single 79m high wind turbine at Heywoods Farm, near Bondleigh in West Devon. The project was granted permission on appeal by the Planning Inspectorate.
One Wind Renewables have successfully gained planning permission for a single 79m high wind turbine at Heywoods Farm, near Bondleigh in West Devon. The project was granted permission on appeal by the Planning Inspectorate.
April 2013 - Collacott Farm wind turbine consented
Planning Permission has been granted by the Planning Inspectorate at Collacott Farm, near Barnstaple in Devon. The project lies adjacent to a landfill site and the busy A39 and was considered to be well suited for a wind turbine development by the Planning Inspector, concluding, it would not cause an intrusive or dominant feature within the landscape. Construction of the wind turbine is scheduled for spring 2014.
Planning Permission has been granted by the Planning Inspectorate at Collacott Farm, near Barnstaple in Devon. The project lies adjacent to a landfill site and the busy A39 and was considered to be well suited for a wind turbine development by the Planning Inspector, concluding, it would not cause an intrusive or dominant feature within the landscape. Construction of the wind turbine is scheduled for spring 2014.
December 2012 – Vaglefield Farm wind turbine granted permission at Appeal
One Wind Renewables has been granted planning consent for a 79m high wind turbine near Holsworthy. Plans were first submitted to Torridge District Council in March 2012; the project was eventually consented by the Secretary of State in December 2012.
One Wind Renewables has been granted planning consent for a 79m high wind turbine near Holsworthy. Plans were first submitted to Torridge District Council in March 2012; the project was eventually consented by the Secretary of State in December 2012.
November 2012 – Dilland Farm wind turbine consented
In November 2012 the Planning Inspectorate granted planning permission for a single wind turbine at Dilland Farm, south of Whitstone in Cornwall. The turbine will have a tip height of 61m and will be installed in late 2014.
In November 2012 the Planning Inspectorate granted planning permission for a single wind turbine at Dilland Farm, south of Whitstone in Cornwall. The turbine will have a tip height of 61m and will be installed in late 2014.
November - Pentwyn Farm
One Wind Renewables have gained planning permission for a single 50kW wind turbine near Dorstone in Herefordshire which is expected to produce over 170,000 kWh every year. The project was consented at local level and will be a great diversification for the farm.
One Wind Renewables have gained planning permission for a single 50kW wind turbine near Dorstone in Herefordshire which is expected to produce over 170,000 kWh every year. The project was consented at local level and will be a great diversification for the farm.
September 2012 - Haregrove Farm, Bridgend
One Wind Renewables achieve planning consent on behalf of the farmer for a 50kW wind turbine. Once installed the wind turbine will provide much of the large dairy farms own electricity helping to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and rising electricity prices.
One Wind Renewables achieve planning consent on behalf of the farmer for a 50kW wind turbine. Once installed the wind turbine will provide much of the large dairy farms own electricity helping to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and rising electricity prices.
August 2012 - Durpley Farm consented
One Wind Renewables has secured another planning consent for a medium-scale wind turbine; the development includes a 79m high turbine as well as ancillary infrastructure to connect the turbine to the local electricity network. The turbine is located to the south of Stibbs Cross; the wind turbine will provide a significant amount of clean green renewable electricity, offsetting hundreds of tonnes of carbon dioxide every year and helping the fight against climate change.
One Wind Renewables has secured another planning consent for a medium-scale wind turbine; the development includes a 79m high turbine as well as ancillary infrastructure to connect the turbine to the local electricity network. The turbine is located to the south of Stibbs Cross; the wind turbine will provide a significant amount of clean green renewable electricity, offsetting hundreds of tonnes of carbon dioxide every year and helping the fight against climate change.
July 2012 - One Wind Renewables gain first planning consent
Planning permission for a single wind turbine development 79m to tip near Holsworthy Beacon was granted by the Planning Inspectorate in July 2012. The turbine is expected to be constructed and exporting electricity in the new year.
Planning permission for a single wind turbine development 79m to tip near Holsworthy Beacon was granted by the Planning Inspectorate in July 2012. The turbine is expected to be constructed and exporting electricity in the new year.